Saturday, April 24, 2010

Breadfruit Leaves With Longevity

Breadfruit Leaves With Longevity

Leaves can also be used as traditional medicine for kidney disorders and liver disease.

Indonesia's natural wealth, especially the plant is a source of bioactive compounds that have the potential to be developed as a drug or medicine. One of them, breadfruit leaves.

After testing the properties by the Chemical Research Centre LIPI together with specialists of other researchers, it is known that the breadfruit leaf extract (of Artocarpus altilis) contains flavonoids and sitosterol are nutritious for a healthy heart and blood vessels.

By DR. Tjandrawati M. Ozef from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) said, good efficacy testing in vitro (using the media) and in vivo (involving living cells) of plant extracts have shown very good results.

In conclusion, breadfruit leaves can protect the heart, because they can lower blood cholesterol levels significantly and could inhibit the accumulation in the aortic blood vessel walls.

"The research we've done since 2004, and has passed the preclinical testing. This plant is very potential to be further developed into drug synthesis, "he said when met at the event Tjandrawati 'Day Seminar on Preventive Efforts to Overcome Difficulties and Promotion of Blood Circulation' R & D in the Hall of the Ministry of Health, State Printing Road, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, April 14, 2010.

Not only nutritious prevent cardiovascular disease, but the breadfruit is also a traditional medicine that is able to cope with kidney problems, liver disease, inflammation and itching.

"All parts of this plant contain flavonoids and sitosterol in different amounts. But usually, many people eat breadfruit leaves the cooking water to get its benefit, "he explained.

Currently according to him, Indonesian medicinal raw materials industry is still very weak, where 95% is still imported drugs are imported, causing relatively high prices of some drugs that are difficult to reach the public. As a result, many people switch to using traditional medicinal plants. "By doing this preclinical testing, it is not impossible, breadfruit leaf extract in the future will be developed into a herbal medicine," he said.

how to cure eye and minus cylinder?

How to heal the eye and minus cylinder?

Practice eye exercises may be able to treat / cure eye minus / plus nearsightedness and eye / farsightedness that will free you from glasses and contact lenses are sometimes boring and annoying. Free from clear glass eyes are yearning of the majority of patients with eye disorders. And they're not reluctant to spend much money to have a normal and healthy eye.

EXERCISE 1: Eyes Glancing left and right

Exercise is good eye exercises to help stimulate the eye muscles so that the eyes sunken eye muscles can be properly and not rigid. The trick is to:

1. The view straight ahead.
2. The right hand is on the right body parallel to the neck.
3. Index finger raised upward.
4. Look at your fingers with the focus turning to the right way.
5. Turn your face to the left slowly, without losing sight of your focus to the last finger.
6. Hold eye view when it was already maximal.
7. When your eyes are tired release by looking at a long distance.

- Do it in a different direction as to the left, take, top, top right, bottom right, top left, bottom left, and others.
- The possibility can cause dizziness and nausea. That's the sign you need eyes for this exercise.
- If you are tired rest your eyes by looking away or shut his eyes while sleeping.
- Gymnastics may be able to treat nearsightedness and farsightedness as well as diseases other eye defects.
- If you can try to focus on difficulties with the aid of your glasses.
- Better not too long, about 10 to 30 seconds, every glance.
- After the exercises the eyes of your eye may be slightly uncomfortable to look at objects close.
- This exercise should be frequently conducted in an open place that a lot of trees far and near but not that many people in public places or in the workplace that need concentration.
- Hope Mines / your ples reduced. If you're feeling less replace your glasses so as not to wear glasses now that you can restore to the normal eye defects.

EXERCISE 2: Focus Far Near Eye View

The following exercise will help your eye muscles to move into close focus distance and focus. However, this exercise may make your eyes a little blurry again after doing exercise 1 above. Mingkin it's good first pass up two training a new, or just doing exercises for the troubled one just nearsighted.

1. The view straight ahead.
2. Right hand in front of the body parallel to the neck.
3. Index finger raised upward.
4. Look at your fingers with a focus.
5. Move your finger back and forth slowly and his eyes remained focused follow finger movements.
6. After several times back and forth with remove the eye to see objects far away.

- These tips may be more visible results in people whose eyes low Mines.
- For a high Mines should not be enforced because it does not necessarily bring results.
- The possibility of this exercise can cause dizziness and nausea.
- If you are tired rest your eyes by looking away or brake while sleeping.
- This may be meneymbuhkan Gymnastics nearsightedness and farsightedness as well as diseases other eye defects.
- If you can try to focus on difficulties with the aid of your glasses.
- This exercise should be frequently performed in an open place that a lot of trees but not
that many people in public places or in the workplace that need concentration.
- Immediately contact your ophthalmologist if you experience interference.

Solar Storms

Bursts of solar radiation can be crippling and life-threatening telecommunication systems.

Not only the United States Space Agency (NASA) launched a rocket that could berinisatif to anticipate the effects of sun storms. We were able to participate to save the Earth.

The trick? There are many pages that give you an opportunity to save the world, one

Pages that allow the user to help scientists discover the location of the storm on the sun - before causing damage on Earth.

This page is built on cooperation Royal Observatory Greenwich, Facilitation Council for Science and Technology Laboratory and Rutherford Appleton Zooniverse site.

"When you look directly at the Sun, of course it was too light for my eyes to see properly"said Dr Marek Kukula from the Royal Observatory as pages loaded BBC.

The sun could only be observed with special instruments and telescopes.

So far, NASA has been monitoring the Sun uses two spacecraft called 'Stereo'. The rocket is to produce images - pictures latest situation of the Sun.

However, the tremendous amount of data made a lot of NASA scientists are not able to analyze the data as detailed as possible. They need the help of Internet users.

Stormwatch pages users can access 3D images produced by Stereo.

However, the user must undergo a brief training on the identification of solar storms. Basic training using the sun image in color.

If you otherwise qualify, users will be trained to use satellite images from Stereo black and white spots - like a TV picture is damaged.

The user also supplied a number of knowledge, including how to distinguish the comet, halo, and dust of the Sun.

"Regardless how small is very important" added Kukula.

"Ive talked to a few scientists involved and they all agree that even though you log on and just make the observation for several hours, then get bored and never touch it again - it's all very useful and helpful" he continued.

According to scientists, Chris Davis, there will be 100 000 received images from Stereo within two and a half years."We need as many people as possible to review the data. Therefore, the opinion of one person are just opinions" he said, such as pages loaded Storm Watch.

Solar storm will cause a huge explosion which threw billions of tons of matter into space.

When it touched the earth, that's when the problem occurred. Bursts of radiation from the Sun can cripple the telecommunications system, causing damage and even endanger lives.

Found, Earth-like Planet

The planet was named GJ 1214b, measuring 2.7 times larger than Earth

The team of astronomers United States (U.S.) to find an Earth-like planets in other solar systems. Planet larger than Earth and has a water content. The findings of the team from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics was published in the journal Nature, Wednesday, December 16, 2009.

The planet was named GJ 1214b. Size 2.7 times larger than Earth, the planet around the sun, the smaller and less luminous than the sun in our solar system.

Although the planet GJ 1214b likely to have an atmosphere that is too thick and too hot for such life forms on Earth, the discovery was a major achievement in the search for life on other planets

"The biggest excitement is because we found a world with a water content around the star is very small and very close, is just 40 light years from our solar system," said David Charbonneau, professor of astronomy at Harvard University and chairman of the authors of articles in journals team Nature, as quoted from the page of the CNN television station.

Planet GJ 1214b classified as "super-Earth" because the size of between one and ten times larger than Earth. In recent years, scientists already knew of the existence of this super planets. Most astronomers have found very large, so more like Jupiter than Earth.

Charbonneau said, life on the planet GJ 1214b likely will not like life on Earth. "This planet is likely to have liquid water," he said.

10 Human Mental Illness

human mental illness

That disease P and K, which is primitive and childlike. Blaming others is a primitive mindset. In the interior of Africa, if someone gets sick, the Think is: Always the "who" not "what" the cause. Modern medical science always seek to know "what" is why, instead of "whom". So if we think of blaming others, it's the same with a primitive attitude. Use Honestly koteka, do not have to wear a tie and jacket! Childish. Why?
Children always never want to be blamed. If there are dishes that fall, "Brother it wrong", or "it sister wrong." just monkey pants you wear when being so. If we humans are intelligent and mature always be looking for something to happen.

Blaming himself that he felt incapable. You've been there? If you say never, then you are lying. "Ah, he's able, she was an expert, he has a job, he's talented, etc.,This is what my ?,
alright I can not. She S3, this my junior high school, can not go alright. He's got a lot of time, I was busy, this certainly can not. " This disease such as cancer, added a big, big inside yourself mentally so that it can achieve "improper feeling guilty."
So even though the wrong partners, subordinates, superiors or even, dare to say "that's why I'm wrong, is not capable, etc.". The disease is slowly killing our biases. Feel inferior, we do not have the ability. We often compare the success of others with our faults, so the success of others is considered normal because they have something more that we do not have.

3. NOT HAVE A Goal /
We are often stuck with busy work, but its direction is not clear.Should we always have a job with a milestone target. Create a long-term targets and short-term in writing. Illustrations like this: A dog ran an arrogant rooster. What the hell was I can not pursue, as my horse just lost. Then there is jumping rabbits, kiclik, kiclik, kiclik. His friend says: "Now there it rabbit, just chase." He chased that rabbit, run rabbit ...., faster, the dog is stubborn mascara run chase and rabbit-ears (to not hear / care about anything), and finally not overtaken, rabbit into the fence. Dog returned to his friend and be ridiculed. "Ah u, he said good run, the same can not just chase rabbits. He said most taut u." "This he his goal hell to stay alive, survive, this cave his goal to just fun." If the "goal" we just for "FUN", the contents just time, yeah Only the results breathlessly only.

4. HAVE "Goal", BUT achieve inconsequential
Usually experienced by people who are not "teachable". His goal wrong, our focus is also wrong, way too wrong, too wrong direction. Illustrations like this: a young man who was obsessed with gold, because the influence of traditions that deify gold. This young man went to the shops and filling his sack with gold and casual go. Of course, the police arrested and questioned. The answer: Basically I want the gold, I do not want to see side to side.

5. Take a shortcut, SHORT CUT
Success is never passed to the shortcut. The shortcut does not bring people to real success, real success, because it does not follow the process. If we avoid the process, do not mature, even if cooked
carbide yes. So, there it's no shortcut. Indonesian badminton players get up at 5 am, running around the Senayan, do smesh 1000 times. That's not a shortcut. No person who lounged lounged daily-wear gloves, keep so suddenly badminton champion. Nothing! If you are told to put the money 1 million, in three weeks so three million, do not make sense is that? No way!. Because it is against nature.

Analogy is this: The plane can fly for take-off, must have a minimum speed. Boeing 737 aircraft, to be able to take-off, requiring a minimum speed of 300 km / hr. If the speed he was just 50 km / h, O-
exhausted Just avtur , Just around. This that way, you just use straight runway50km/jam speed, ya can not take-off, even hit. Right?

He wants the big ones, are excited, but not small ones at work. He forgot that the structure of a large building, there must be a small component. I wish just great. Just not ignore the small things may be, let alone ignore the little man.

Do not stop working on three months probation. It was not started with the wrong that make people fail, but stopped at the wrong place. Start with a wrong can be fixed, but stopped in the wrong place at all bothered.

9. Images of PAST
Wow very poetic, I love it with this one. Because of what? We are always full of memory right? What do we do, enter our memory, our consideration for a minimum as our next step. Moreover, if we ever fail, do not dare to try again. This can always return to the number-three diseases. Failure as a result of the shadows of the past are not Open properly. That's a negative shadow. Our memory is sometimes very limiting us to move forward. We sometimes forget that life go forward. "Time" it forward right?. There is no way that a clock is upside down? Nothing right? Everything forward, life is advanced. Run forward, if it should fall, would forward all. People who succeed, it must never fail. That's a negative memory that prevents success.

10. SUCCESS WITH SELF quasi-hypnotic
Called Pseudo Success Syndrome. We are hypnotized by it. If we ever managed with little success, continue to stop, not anywhere else. Been satisfied with such small success. Napoleon once remarked: "The most dangerous time to come together with a great victory." That's when the most dangerous, since people are careless, drunken victory. Do not get stuck with a goal-goal small results, because we're going to shoot big goals, goals that far. Do not be complacent, Myspace so arrogant, kept arrogant.

Existing Alien on Earth

Bulgarian Government investigators claimed to have made contact with aliens.

Bulgarian Government investigators claimed that extraterrestrials are often referred to aliens already in the earth. They also claim to have any contact with life outside of planet Earth.

As quoted from the pages of The Telegraph, Friday, November 27, 2009, researchers from the Institute for Space research center that describes the state symbols that are sent over the alien.

These researchers also claim that 'aliens were already answered 30 questions submitted. Deputy Director of the Institute of Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Lachezar Filipov, justifies its study.

He said the research center who worked the institute is the analysis of traces of aliens who allegedly abandoned on farmland in the entire world. This trail is rated researchers in response to questions that they send.

"Alien actually exist among us, and we watched all the time," Filipov said to the media in Bulgaria.

According to him, the alien did not show hostility to human beings, instead intends to help. "But humans have not been able to communicate with them," he said.

Filipov said the men would not be able to communicate with aliens via radio waves, but by the power of the mind. He even predicts that humans can communicate with the aliens coming 10-15 years. "Being human space criticizing the immoral behavior,"

This publication is of course raises the country's pro-contra.

Fast Food causes of Breast Cancer

For the Women Be careful.

WASHINGTON - Pregnant women who ate the kind of fast food or fast food, reducing the risk of breast cancer in their female babies.

Given the increasingly large number of breast cancers, these findings emphasize the importance of the women apply healthy eating patterns during pregnancy. Thus the quoted statement from the Daily Mail, Wednesday (04/21/2010).

To see the effect of diet on the offspring of women, in his study researchers from the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center of Georgetown in Washington to do experiments on one group of pregnant rats.

Meanwhile another group of pregnant rats given a diet with the same number of calories but with more fat content. Furthermore, the researchers examined the rates of breast cancer risk in children and grandchildren of the two groups of female mice.

The results found that although the second and third generations are not eating fatty foods, 60 percent of their risk of breast tumors larger than the generation of mice with normal diet.

Furthermore, the research team to find out how fast food can affect the next generation of health during pregnancy. The study shows, the increased risk in the offspring was triggered by a process known as epigenetic. In this process, the conditions in the womb causes little change in the way genes work.

This change can be derived from the maternal lineage to girls, or from father to son, many times. In such cases, small changes can increase the number of seeds that potentially cause cancer in the breast.

"This is a theory that we put forward, but we still do not know how the process of happening," said Sonia de Assis who led the study. Even so, Assis believes there is a clear message to protect human health.

"From this study suggest that expectant mothers should eat a balanced diet because these diets affect the health of their daughters and granddaughters in the future," he said.

Ear Damage Due to Drugs

Ear Damage Due

Some drugs, such as:
• certain antibiotics
• diuretics (especially etakrinat acid and furosemide)
• aspirin and substances that resembles aspirin (salicylates)
• kuinin

Could cause damage to the ear. Certain drugs cause loss of hearing and balance, but most of the drugs cause more hearing loss. Almost all of the drug removed from the body through the kidneys. Therefore, any abnormalities in renal function will increase the likelihood of drug accumulation in the blood and reach the levels that can cause damage. Of all types of antibiotics, neomycin has the most harmful effects on hearing, followed by kanamycin and amikacin.
Viomisin, gentamicin, and tobramycin can affect hearing and balance.

Antibiotic streptomycin more affect the balance.
Vertigo (feeling of spinning) and equilibrium disorders caused by streptomycin tends to be temporary. But sometimes can happen Dandy's syndrome, where the disturbances are settled and the balance weight so that patients have difficulty when walking in a dark room. When given injections etakrinat acid and furosemide to renal failure patients who also undergo treatment with antibiotics, there will be permanently deaf or deaf temporarily. Aspirin in high doses used in the long term can lead to deafness and tinnitus (ringing in the ears), which is usually temporary.
Kuinin can cause permanent deafness.

If there is perforated eardrum, drugs that can cause ear damage is not applied / dripped directly into your ear because it can be absorbed into a fluid in the inner ear.
Antibiotics can cause hearing loss is not given to:
• pregnant women
• elderly
• people who previously had suffered from deafness.

Sensitivity of each person on these medications varies, but deafness can usually be avoided if the drug levels in blood were within the recommended range. Because it is usually carried out monitoring of drug levels in blood. If possible, before and during treatment were tested for early signs of ear damage .
Usually is the inability to hear high-pitched voice. Could happen tinnitus (ringing in the ears) or vertigo.

Hearing Nerve Tumors

Summary of Hearing Nerve Tumors too long (max 500 characters)

Hearing Nerve Tumor (Neroma Acoustics, Acoustic Neurinoma, vestibular Schwannoma, VIII nerve tumor) is a benign tumor derived from Schwann cells (which wrap the nerve cells). 7% of the tumors that grow inside the skull is the auditory nerve tumors.

The cause is unknown.

Symptoms initially are deaf, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), dizziness and imbalance in the body. Other symptoms may occur after the tumor grew larger and pressing the rest of the brain, the facial nerve (trigeminal nerve that connects the eyes, mouth and jaw).

Early diagnosis is established based on the results of an MRI examination and hearing tests (including ABSR / auditory brain stem response rate of wave travel to the brain, nerves).

To avoid damage to the facial nerve, small tumors removed surgically micro. Larger tumors removed surgically wider.

Diamonds have been discovered planet

Astronomers have found a diamond the size of a planet in space. Weight diamond planet was reported around ten billion trillion trillion carats or five million trillion trillion pounds ...!

The planet is composed of carbon crystal diamond 4000 kilometers in diameter and is located at a distance of 50 light years from Earth (in the constellation Centaurus).

The scientists believe that the diamond is the "heart" of a star that has been "extinct" at which time "his life" before the stars were glowing like the sun. The astronomers named the planet's

"You'll need a magnifying glass like those used jeweler to the size of the size of the Sun to rate this diamond planet class (grading report)!" Says astronomer Travis Metcalfe (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), who led a team of researchers who discovered this giant diamond .

This cosmic stone exceeds all sizes of diamonds ever found on Earth. The maximum size of the diamonds in the world is weighing 546 carats was found in the Republic of South Africa named, Africa Star (Star of Africa), which is used in British royal crown. Origin of the largest diamond is a diamond weighing 3 100 carats.

Lucy, also known as BPM 37 093, actually is a white dwarf (white dwarf core) which crystallized. Please see also the article from of how the Earth formed diamond stones. White dwarfs are a core of very hot white dwarf that is the core of a star, and will remain after the star spent nuclear fuel and its dim and then die. Most elements consist of carbon and coated by a thin layer of hydrogen and helium gas.

White Dwarf will form a giant ring like a gong, "By measuring the 'pulsations' them, we can examine the inside hidden from white dwarfs, like seismograph measurements of earthquakes allow geologists to examine the inside of the earth. We realize that the carbon interior of this white dwarf has solidified to later form the largest diamond in the galaxy, "says Metcalfe.

Astronomers say that our Sun will die in five billion years and become a white dwarf as well. About two billion years after it will turn into a similar diamond that will keep shining in the middle of the solar system forever.